About the Woodcroft Women's Club

The Woodcroft Women’s Club (WWC) was formed in 1986 to foster friendship and fun and to provide service to our local community through fundraising and volunteering. We have monthly evening meetings with guest speakers on a wide range of topics.  The WWC is open to all women, not just Woodcroft residents.  Our members come from many local neighborhoods.

Our members are active volunteers with many community service groups and events such as food drives, trail cleanup, donating supplies for non-profits and participating in recycling opportunities. Throughout the year the WWC holds several fundraising events to raise money for local charities.

The club has many special interest groups that meet more frequently (daytime or evening), to play games, take trips to local places, learn about gardening or read/study books, as just a few examples.  

The Woodcroft Women's Club contributes to local charities with volunteer time, monetarily, and with donations in the form of food and household items. Year round, members volunteer in numerous ways at DCRC, Families Moving Forward, and cleaning the WWC's adopted portion of the American Tobacco Trail. 

Each club year, the membership nominates and votes on charities to support.  Some charities are regularly supported throughout the club year as Charities of the Month and during which time donations are collected.

At the end of each club year, the membership nominates and votes on additional charities and organizations which will receive our fundraising proceeds. The WWC encourages donations to local Durham/Triangle organizations, and we estimate that over the last 30+ years, the club has raised well over $150,000 for our local community.

Download our "What's It All About?" document!  

General Meetings

Please join us for one of our meetings!  You are welcome to visit two meetings or activities prior to joining.

Club meetings are held at 7:00 PM the 1st Tuesday of each month in September, October, November, and January through May.  There are no General Meetings in December, June, July, or August.  Many of our WWC Interest Groups do continue to meet over the summer.

Time at general meetings is allotted for socializing, conducting club business, and listening to a guest speaker. 


Membership in the Woodcroft Women’s Club is $20.00 per club year. Dues for a club year covers from September to September since some groups meet in the summer.  To join, complete the Membership Application Form and mail to the address at the bottom of the form or bring it to a General Meeting.

Active members will be provided an account to access the Members section of the website to view the Member Photo Gallery and Club Year Photos, and have access to Newsletters, Recordings and Handouts.

Contact Us

For information about the club, or directions to the meeting location

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For information about membership

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For assistance with the website or accessing the Member area

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Our USPS Mailing address:

Woodcroft Women's Club
P.O. Box 52301
Durham, NC  27717